O odlasku u partizane

Vlado Kristl

Ja sam u podzemlju živel dugo dok sam vezu dobil, sam se moral skrivat, lako nije bilo, svaki čas se uhvatilo nekoga… Na zadnjoj gimnaziji kaj sam bil su ustaše napravili nekakvu proslavu, bila je godišnjica ili oslobođenje, svaki svoje zove oslobođenje. Onda su svi morali gimnazijalci stati u redu, a kak je bila zima, bio je već mrak, onda sam ja sve ziherunge isključil, tak da je sve bilo u kmici, sve su morali otkazat. Zato bi me streljali da su me uhvatili. I takve stvari sam delal, kakti prgavo malo, neozbiljno, ali kad je čovjek mlad, onda se uvredi. I mala deca veliju onda ne. A mojega prijatelja su onda ustrelili, na stubištu, i to je bil za mene znak da nema više, sad se sakrij i gledaj kak se dobi ta veza. Moralo se stajat protiv, i jedan drugoga malo poznavat, i tak. Tak da sam se onda skrival i jednog dana je došlo, sad se ide, sutra ili prekosutra, znak je taj i taj, i onda se išlo.

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On going to the Partisans

Vlado Kristl

I lived underground for a long period of time before I got a connection to go, I had to hide, it was not easy, someone would get caught every now and then… In the last high school I was in, Ustashas were organising some celebration, it was some anniversary or liberation, they all call their thing liberation. All high school students had to stand in line, it was winter already, it was getting dark early, I took out all electricity fuses, so all was in complete darkness, they had to cancel all their events. They would shoot me if I got caught. So, that’s the kind of thing I was doing, a bit cocky, not very careful, but when you are young, it’s easy to get angry. And then small kids say no. And then my friend was shot on the stairway, so for me that was a sign not to do anything, but to hide and try to get a connection to go to the Partisans. You had to be against things, you had to know each other, and stuff like that. So I was hiding, and one day we were told we are going, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, signal will be that and that, and then we went.

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