

Mi nemamo klasike ili osnivače čije portrete držimo na zidovima, onima napravljenim od cigle ili mentalnim, sve je jedno. Rušimo zidove, a od idolopoklonstva bežimo kao od kuge.

Bakunjin i drugovi nisu osnovali anarhistički pokret, niti su njegove principe sintetisali u čistoj intelektualnoj kontemplaciji. Naprotiv, anarhistički pokret je izrastao iz krila Međunarodnog udruženja radnika (poznatog i kao Prva Internacionala) koje su činili proleteri koji sebe na početku nisu ni nazivali anarhistima. Bakunjin u Prvu internacionalu nije ušao kao anarhista, on je to postao pod uticajem prakse i vizije koje su ovi proleteri već praktikovali i razvijali.

Ovi ljudi su početkom druge polovine 19. veka imali snažnu viziju mogućnosti novog sveta zasnovanog na solidarnosti i uzajamnoj pomoći. U toj viziji Internacionala je bila revolucionarna organizacija, ali i zametak budućeg društva u ljušturi starog sveta, ona je istovremeno bila organizovana i zamišljena kao globalna mreža koja je trebalo da organizuje i koordiniše celokupni društveni i komunalni život, svojevrsna anti-država.

Ovo nam ukazuje na to da je anarhistička misao nastala kao odraz prakse. Ali, da bi naš pokret disao punim plućima i istinski živeo, neophodno je da se praksa i analiza neprekidno ogledaju jedna u drugoj, večito promenljive, u stalnom pokretu.

Oni čija vizija nije premašivala ideju o “socijalističkim” partijama koje osvajaju državnu vlast, ovaj pokret nisu razumeli: on je za njih bio “apolitičan”, zbog svoje nezaiteresovanosti za učestvovanje u parlamentarnoj politici. A zapravo radi se o nečem sasvim drugačijem.

Kao što odbijamo legitimitet države, kao institucije koja nasiljem osigurava postojanje eksploatatorskog sistema, tako odbijamo i “politiku” kao izdvojenu sferu života, kojom se bave specijalisti. Mi smo zainteresovani za život, a da bismo živeli slobodno i disali punim plućima, sfera političkog mora biti razmontirana, jednako kao i država/kapital/patrijarhat.

Antipolitika je život bez zidova i ograda, ona je naše srce i novi svet koji u njemu nosimo.


Ljudi koji pričaju o revoluciji i klasnoj borbi a da pri tom ne govore eksplicitno o svakodnevnom životu, bez razumevanja subverzivnog potencijala ljubavi i onoga što je pozitivno u odbacivanu svih ograničenja, takvi ljudi nose leševe u ustima.

Raul Vanegem

Anarhisti nikome ništa ne obećavaju.

Maria Nikiforova

Nijedna teorija, nijedan gotovi sistem, nijedna knjiga koja je ikada napisana neće spasiti svet.

Mihail Bakunjin

Borite se da održite taj osećaj za organizovanost i nemojte dozvoliti da bude uništen od strane onih koji misle da je anarhizam doktrina koja nema ničeg zajedničkog sa stvarnim životom. Anarhizam je suprotnost sektaštvu i dogmi. Usavršava se u akciji.

Nestor Marhno, obraćajući se Buenaventura Durutiju



We do not have classics or founders whose portraits we hang from the walls, those made out of bricks, or mental ones, all the same. We tear down the walls, and we avoid idolatry like the plague.

Bakunin and comrades did not found the anarchist movement, nor did they synthesize its principals in pure intellectual contemplation. On the contrary, the anarchist movement grew out the wing of the International Workers Association (also known as the First International) which consisted of proletarians who didn’t even call themselves anarchists in the beginning. Bakunin did not join the International as an anarchist, he became one influenced by the practice and vision that was already being done and developed by those proletarians.

These people, at the beginning of the second half of the 19th century already had a strong vision of the possibility of a new world based on solidarity and mutual aid. In that vision, the International was a revolutionary organization, but also an embryo of a new society within the shell of the old world, it was simultaneously organized and imagined as a global network that was supposed to organize and coordinate the whole of social and communal life—a kind of an anti-state.

This indicates to us that anarchist thought came to be as a reflection of practice. But, in order for our movement to breathe freely and truly be alive, it is necessary for practice and analysis to always reflect one another, forever changing, in continuous movement.

Those whose vision didn’t go beyond the idea of “socialist” parties that seize state power, did not understand this movement: for them, it was “apolitical” because of its indifference towards the participation in parliamentary politics. But, in reality, something completely different was the case.

As we refuse the legitimacy of the state, as an institution which with violence secures the existence of an exploitative system, so do we refuse “politics” as a separated sphere of life, one dealt with by specialists. We are interested in life, and in order for us to live and breathe freely, the sphere of the political needs to be dismantled—same as with the state/capital/patriarchy.

Anti-politics is life without walls and fences, it is our heart, and the new world we carry inside it.


People who talk about revolution and class struggle without referring explicitly to everyday life, without understanding what is subversive about love and what is positive in the refusal of constraints, such people have corpses in their mouths.

Raoul Vaneigem 

The anarchists are not promising anything to anyone.

Maria Nikiforova

No theory, no ready-made system, no book that has ever been written will save the world.

Mikhail Bakunin

Fight to maintain this feeling for organization and do not allow it to be destroyed by those who think that anarchism is a doctrine which has nothing to do with real life. Anarchism is the opposite of sectarianism and dogma. It perfects itself in action.

Nestor Makhno, adressing B. Durruti and F. Ascaso