Dolje crvena buržoazija Jugoslavije – Analiza lipanjske studentske pobune u Beogradu (1968)

Dopisnici časopisa Black & Red (Novembar, 1968)

Pažljiviji čitatelji zapadnog tiska vjerojatno su primjetili kratke napise o “studentskoj pobuni” tijekom prve polovice lipnja u Beogradu. Osim par novinarskih iskaza divljenja Titovim rješavanjem studentskog pitanja, tisak se uglavnom oglušio na ostale događaje. Uostalom, netko bi očekivao studentsku pobunu u Poljskoj ili Čehoslovačkoj, ali ne u liberalnoj Jugoslaviji. Tako da u ovom trenutku ne postoje analize lipanjskih zbivanja, niti njihovog utjecaja na jugoslavensko društvo. Kako bi dali upravo takvu analizu, započnimo s pregledom onoga što se zapravo dogodilo u Beogradu.

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Down with the Red Bourgeoisie of Yugoslavia – An Analysis of the June Students’ Insurrection in Belgrade, Yugoslavia (1968)

Black & Red correspondents (November, 1968)

Alert readers of the Western press may have noted short accounts of a “student rebellion” during the first half of the month of June in Belgrade, Yugoslavia. Beyond a few journalistic expressions of admiration for Tito’s handling of students, the press has been left dumb by the events; after all, one might expect a student revolt in Poland or Czechoslovakia, but in liberal Yugoslavia? As yet there exists no analysis of the events of June nor of their impact on Yugoslav society. In order to provide precisely such an analysis, let us begin by recounting what actually happened in Belgrade.

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